Student Fees

Barrhead Elementary School's fee schedule for 2022-2023 remains relatively the same for most grades as previous year. The exception of adjustments to Soccer, Basketball teams are due to BES joining district sports leagues and Grades 1,2,3 and 4 changing fieldtrip destination events.
Remember that fee schedule amounts are the maximum the school would assign for each of the listed events/activities, but in most situations, fees have and will continue to be lower than the stated maximums.
Fees listed in the annual schedule address costs for field trip registrations, transportation, and related materials/equipment.
We are thankful for Barrhead Elementary School Advisory Association (BESAA) who contributes $7 per student to help offset the cost of fieldtrips.
Barrhead Elementary School     
School Fee DescriptionSchool Fee AmountsSchool Fee AmountsSchool Fee AmountsSchool Fee Amounts
Grade 1 Fieldtrip Fees$35.00$35.00$35.00
Grade 2 Fieldtrip Fees$50.00$50.00$50.00$30.00$24.00
Grade 3 Fieldtrip Fees$67.50$67.50$67.50$35.00
Grade 4 Fieldtrip Fees$71.00$41.00$41.00$40.00$15.00
Grade 5 Fieldtrip Fees$89.00$89.00$89.00$66.00
Grade 6 Fieldtrip Fees$120.00$120.00$120.00$60.00$35.00
Grade ECS Fieldtrip Fees$25.00$26.00$26.00$7.00
Cross Country Team Fees$20.00$25.00$25.00$10.00$10.00
Journal Indoor Games Team Fees$60.00$60.00$60.00$50.00$40.00
Volleyball Team Fees$40.00$40.00$40.00$30.00$15.00
Soccer Team Fees$25.00$25.00$25.00$15.00
Basketball Team Fees$40.00$40.00$40.00$30.00
Grade 6 Camp Warwa Transportation Fee$40.00$40.00$40.00$40.00$30.00
Grade 4 Optional Bird Feeder Project$10.00$10.00$10.00$8.75$8.75
Grade 5 Optional Mother's Day Project$10.00$10.00$10.00$10.00$10.00
Grade ECS Supply Fee$25.00$25.00$25.00
Grade 3 Supply Fee$7.00$5.00$5.00
Student Agenda$6.00$6.00$5.00
BES Fieldtrip$35.00$35.00$35.00$20.00$20.00