DUE TO THE MAY 4th PROVINCE ANNOUNCEMENT of Grades K-12 going to Learning at Home from May 7-May 25, we have had to CANCEL this FUNDRAISER!!! Please disregard the forms that may have come home yesterday!! Thank you!!
The Parent Council is once again having their Spring/Summer Plant Fundraiser!
Plants will be provided by DeHerdt Gardens. There are Hanging Baskets, Planters and a Box of Succulents that will be available to choose from ranging in different pricing. Students will be sent home an order form starting on Tuesday, May 4. Orders can be paid by cash or cheque. Please make sure to have the cheques made out to BESAA. All orders need to be brought back to the school by May 17.
Pick Up day will be the end of June and located at the front of the Elementary School, main parking area. Please stay tuned for more information for that. We will be needing some volunteers to help with pick up. You can call Denise at 780-674-1709 to volunteer.
Your support of this program is greatly appreciated, and with your help, our Elementary will have a successful sale. Thank you!!